"""basemap - Plot base maps and frames for the figure."""frompygmt.clibimportSessionfrompygmt.exceptionsimportGMTInvalidInputfrompygmt.helpersimport(args_in_kwargs,build_arg_string,fmt_docstring,kwargs_to_strings,use_alias,)@fmt_docstring@use_alias(R="region",J="projection",Jz="zscale",JZ="zsize",B="frame",L="map_scale",Td="rose",Tm="compass",U="timestamp",V="verbose",X="xshift",Y="yshift",c="panel",f="coltypes",p="perspective",t="transparency",)@kwargs_to_strings(R="sequence",c="sequence_comma",p="sequence")defbasemap(self,**kwargs):r""" Plot base maps and frames for the figure. Creates a basic or fancy basemap with axes, fill, and titles. Several map projections are available, and the user may specify separate tick-mark intervals for boundary annotation, ticking, and [optionally] gridlines. A simple map scale or directional rose may also be plotted. At least one of the parameters ``frame``, ``map_scale``, ``rose`` or ``compass`` must be specified. Full option list at :gmt-docs:`basemap.html` {aliases} Parameters ---------- {J} zscale/zsize : float or str Set z-axis scaling or z-axis size. {R} {B} map_scale : str [**g**\|\ **j**\|\ **J**\|\ **n**\|\ **x**]\ *refpoint*\ **+w**\ *length*. Draws a simple map scale centered on the reference point specified. rose : str Draws a map directional rose on the map at the location defined by the reference and anchor points. compass : str Draws a map magnetic rose on the map at the location defined by the reference and anchor points {U} {V} {XY} {c} {f} {p} {t} """kwargs=self._preprocess(**kwargs)# pylint: disable=protected-accessifnotargs_in_kwargs(args=["B","L","Td","Tm","c"],kwargs=kwargs):raiseGMTInvalidInput("At least one of frame, map_scale, compass, rose, or panel must be specified.")withSession()aslib:lib.call_module("basemap",build_arg_string(kwargs))